Navigating Emotional Triggers

Sometimes, we think we’ve moved on. We think the past no longer holds any power over us, and the pain we've experienced is safely stored away, a distant memory. But then, something happens. A conversation, a situation, or even a small reminder of that old wound comes up, and suddenly, we’re right back in that place of disappointment and hurt. It feels as though nothing has changed. We thought we were healed, but it becomes painfully clear that we’re not quite there yet.

I’ve found myself in that position more times than I care to admit. After thinking I had left the hurt behind, it resurfaces unexpectedly, like a ghost that refuses to be laid to rest. I realize that while I've made progress, I am still affected by the same things that broke me before. It’s frustrating, because deep down, I truly want to be healed, to be free from the grip of these emotions. 

What does it mean to be truly healed? For me, it means not being shaken when the same painful situations or memories resurface. It means having the strength to confront the things that used to tear me apart and, instead of crumbling, I can laugh, or at least, remain at peace. I long for the day when these triggers no longer have the power to hurt me, when my heart remains whole and in a good place, no matter what happens around me.

But I also know that healing isn’t linear. It’s a process that requires patience, self-compassion, and time. Some days, I feel stronger, more resilient. Other days, I feel as vulnerable as I ever did. On those hard days, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking I haven’t healed at all. But I remind myself that acknowledging the pain is part of the process. It’s a signal that I still have work to do, and that’s okay.

I’m committed to healing that part of myself that still carries the hurt. I want to let go of the anger, disappointment, and frustration. I want to reach a place where even if the same things happen again, they don’t define my emotional state. My goal is to be so deeply rooted in my own peace and joy that no external event can shake me. 

The journey to full healing may take time, but I believe it’s possible. I hold onto the hope that one day, when I look back on these painful moments, they’ll feel distant and insignificant, like a passing breeze. I’ll smile or laugh at how much they used to affect me, knowing that I’ve grown beyond them. Until then, I will continue working on my healing, step by step, and trust that with time and grace, I’ll get there. 

It’s okay not to be fully healed yet. What matters is the intention and the effort to keep moving forward. One day, I will be free, and so will you.

au revoir. 


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