It's Love Month

It's the love month. What's your plan for Valentine's Day? Do you have a date? Or are you just like me? You can read my past blog, so that you can relate to what I'm talking about. ๐Ÿ˜

Anyway, it is said the the greatest commandment of God is to love one another. Even those who are hard to love, especially those who are hard to love. Because what good does that do if you only love those who are lovable? Easier said than done, right?

Dalai Lama once said that, "Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." I know it's hard to love everyone. But the next best thing that we can do is to at least not hurt people. 

I know that there are people who are hard to love. Probably because we loved them before then they hurt us. But that doesn't give us entitlement to hurt them back. We may not be able to love them again the same way before, but doesn't mean we have to hurt them the way they did. It's hard to get past the pain especially if it's still new. But instead of thinking of revenge, we should use the pain as a contributing factor to our growth. It should make us strong, and not vengeful. 

Loving others require effort. And at times, to prove people that we love them sacrifice is needed. It's easier to say you love someone, but a lot of times words don't match actions. Not everyone mean what they say. It's easy for others to say the words 'I love you' without even meaning it. Personally, I take the words seriously. I don't easily say I love you to someone, even to my family. I always see to it that when I say it, I mean it. I don't say it just to reciprocate what they said to me, or I don't say it out of necessity. I always make sure that when I utter those words, it comes from my heart. That's why I expect the same from other people. 

Some people are hard to love, while others find it hard to love. There are some who find it hard to admit they love someone. And we have no right right to judge them. We don't know the things that they've been through to make them feel the way they do. The least that we can do is to respect and understand what they feel. That's all we need if we can't find it in our heart to love others. 

Love shouldn't be forced. If you can't feel it, you don't have to force yourself to do so. At the same time, you can't stop yourself from loving and you shouldn't. It's a wonderful feeling to be loved. But it's more fulfilling to love. 

If you can't find it in your heart to love, the next best thing is to never hurt anyone.

au revoir. ๐Ÿ˜Š


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