My 5 Current Goals

‎I am here now at a movie house just finished watching The Best Of Me alone and waiting for its next showing because I didn't get to watch it from the very beginning. (Thought you might want to know my whereabouts.)

Goal, something someone would like to achieve within a year or more or simply something that you wish to achieve in the near future. It could be a short term or a long term.

So here are my 5 current goals:

1. Planner 
This is one of my short term goals. One of my current goals is to finish my own personalized planner for the year 2015. I'm almost halfway there and hopefully before the new year starts I will be able to have it bind and finish already. I planned to do it last year unfortunately I planned it late and I know I will not be able to finish it before the year begins. That's why this year I did it earlier and I am so glad that I am about to finish it already by this time. 

2. Travel 
This one is a long-term goal for me since I don't have any source of income, yet. It could be a local or an international destination just as long as I'm going to experience the best time there. Hopefully I will be able to visit other countries before my passport expired. So before 2018 my goal is to visit at least one country.

3. Hot Air Balloon
If you saw my recent post entitled "Sharing Is Caring" you probably read that watching hot air balloons flying high up in the air live is one of my greatest wishes. I also want to experience riding one. Before I die hopefully I will be able to experience it. So, help me God. This is really a must for me.

4. My Place
It's really my greatest dream to have a place of my own. Hopefully with God's grace I will be able to attain this goal. When the time comes that I have a source of income, having a condo unit is absolutely on my top priority. Even if it's not a condo just as long as I can call it my own. ‎I would choose having my own place rather than having or building my own family. 

5. To Be Contented With My Life
This is my ultimate goal in life... to be contented with whatever it is that I have. Whether I achieve all my goals or not as long as I am contented, I'm all right with that. As long I can proudly say to myself that I couldn't ask for more or have it in any other way, I'm already happy. 

There a lot of things that I want to achieve in my life not just 5. I know no matter how unattainable it may seem, in God's perfect timing I'm going to have my dreams turn into reality. All I have to do is to keep my eyes on the prize. And just like what Audrey Hepburn said, "there's nothing impossible, the word itself says I'm possible."


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