State of Mind
"I'm still alive, but I'm barely breathin'."
This is a famous line from one of The Script's songs, Breakeven, and there's no better line that could possibly describe my current situation than this. I am running out of reasons to stay alive. Every day has always been the same as the others.
It was just a few weeks ago when I thought that things would finally change. But what I thought was true turned out to just be an illusion. The bubble that I'm in suddenly burst. Nothing has changed. I'm still here, feeling stuck and miserable. Good thing I have our dog. He's my ray of sunshine.
I'm so sick of feeling this way. I hate feeling like a failure. I hate the feeling of losing that tiny hope that I'm holding on to. I hate that I have high expectations. I hate that I couldn't make things right. I hate the feeling of not being good enough. I hate feeling that I am not capable of doing anything. I hate feeling lost. I hate being clueless about what I have to do with my life. I hate the feeling that I am wasting my time. I hate the feeling that I am running out of time to do the things that I want to do. I hate feeling unworthy.
But, I guess, there's no other option now but to continue living. Despite all the setbacks that I am facing, I have to be okay. I know that nothing is permanent in this world. Eventually, things will change for the better. I know that all of this will make sense one day. But for now, I have to be okay with the fact that I am not okay. Every experience that I have is an essential part of my story. Every struggle has a purpose. Every challenge has a lesson.
It's hard to stay alive. Life seems to be unfair at times. But I've already been through this, and I know that I can get through it again. Better days are coming. It won't always feel like this. I know I also deserve the good things in life. The time will come when things will finally fall into place. It's just a matter of time. Life is tough, but so am I.
au revoir. 😊
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