Love Doesn't Equate With Respect

We tend to be blind when we love. Because it says that, "Love keeps no record of wrongs." we are inclined to believe that it's okay even if the people we love mistreat us. We feel okay with it because we understand and because we love them. But, of course, we are humans. We feel pain. We get hurt even by the people we thought would never hurt us.

It hurts most when we are hurt by the people that we love. We think that they won't hurt us simply because they love us. But surprisingly, they hurt us and did it more than we expected. At times, the people that we love take us for granted. They tend to disregard our feelings. They think that we are immune to feeling hurt. They think that we are okay with their mistreatment of us. Since we don't react, we just suffer silently. We think that we shouldn't be mad at them because we love them. Especially when they are family. Or sometimes we gaslight ourselves. We think that we're just overreacting. And it's improper to be mad at the people that we love.

However, it's not every day that we understand. We have come to a boiling point. We realize how the people that we love are treating us badly. We realize that we are not simply overreacting. We aren't just being unreasonable. And that it's not improper to get mad. We are humans. We feel various emotions. And it's not wrong.

On the other hand, we have to be responsible with our reactions to other people's actions. We shouldn't let their mistreatment bring out the worst in us. At the end of the day, we shouldn't let our feelings overpower us. "They're just feelings. They'll go away." (Iykyk) We have to be stronger than our emotions. We shouldn't let their actions make us suffer. It's okay to get mad. But no amount of anger can change the behavior of other people. Even if we get mad at them for so long, if that's their default behavior, they will never change. And as the saying goes, "You can't change someone who doesn't see an issue with their action." 

We cannot demand from other people the way they should treat us. It's still up to them. How they treat us is how they feel about us. We are only recipients of other people's actions. The only control that we have is how we react. 

au revoir. 😊


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