Best And Worst Thing About Getting Older
Not many people have the privilege to reach an old age. Some infants weren't even given the chance to be born. In some instances there are children who died due to some serious illness. While there are some who at an early age died because of accidents. That's why to be getting older shouldn't be taken for granted. But of course, there are pros and cons that lies behind it.
Let's start with the worst and save the best for last. The worst thing about getting older, a.k.a adulthood, is that people around you expect you to know better and to be a better version of your younger self. Even your own self, you also have high expectations. But the thing is, you've never been this old so everything that you are experiencing now is new to you. You can't ask for help because everyone thinks you can handle anything. Cause hello? You're already a grown up. You also feel embarrassed to ask for help cause you feel so proud of yourself that you can do it all by yourself. There are people who would say that you can count on them whenever you need help. But to be honest, you really can't tell who truly cares for you. Some people are so good at faking their real personality nowadays. You cannot really tell who's being true to your face. It's hard to trust people these days. That's why you would rather keep everything to yourself, especially your problems.
The best thing about adulthood is that you've seen some of the worst side of life and even people. At one point you've already experienced hitting the rock bottom. As you've grown older, you've already gain new experiences and lessons that you can use along the way. If you were only mindful of everything that has happened to you, good and bad, you probably learned how to deal with this life. You'll realize that growing old isn't bad after all, especially if you've grown old with so much wisdom. Some people just age, but they still have a mindset of a 7-year-old kid.
As Mark Twain have said, "Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many." Each day that we wake up means that we still have a purpose. Not everyone has given the opportunity to see another day. May we never take any day in our life for granted. I couldn't see the point why people try to conceal their age especially when they reach 50's. Reaching an old age is something to be proud of. Age is just a number. The important thing is that as we age we already know what to do and what not to do. But no matter what our age is, may we never lose the kid in us. Be curious. Be adventurous. Laugh a lot. 😉
au revoir.☺
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