As An Overthinker

As an overthinker, I complicate simple things. I tend to think things over and over again. What I could've and should've done and what I could and should do. I know overthinkers can relate with how our thoughts are endless. We always think about the what if's. Our minds often wander elsewhere.

It's easy to say stop and don't overthink, but that is not as simple and as easy to do. We can stop from thinking about something for a good 0.5 millisecond, but that's it. We'll again overthink about it for the rest of the day. It doesn't matter if it happened 20 years ago, or if it is yet to happen in 20 years. Even though we know that no matter how much we overthink things, we cannot undo the past and we can't be totally prepared for what's going to happen next. 

When we overthink about some worst case scenario, and it happened our disappointment will lessen. At the same time, when we overthink things there's a tendency that we won't enjoy the moment. Cause we already anticipated it, so there's no surprise at all. Overthinking steals the fun and excitement. But oftentimes, things are better in our imagination, so we get disappointed when something didn't go the way we played it in our head. Cause nothing happens exactly like we imagined it.

Overthinking makes us feel fearful. We have to accept that things happen no matter how much we don't want them to. We just make our self miserable more than we should. Some things are beyond our control. And most of the time, we worry about the things that we shouldn't even be worrying in the first place. We shouldn't entertain every thought that comes to our mind, cause most of them aren't true.

Lately, I learned this easiest and simplest trick to avoid overthinking. If I want to stop myself from thinking about a certain thing, I count until I totally forget all about what's bothering me. Before I used to sing in my head, but most of the time, I don't really know the whole lyrics of a song. So I tend to go back to what I am refraining from thinking. And so I learned this counting technique. So far, it's working great cause numbers are endless. By the time I reached 1 billion, it's already the next day. (Though I haven't gotten that far, yet. The farthest number I reached was 600 something.) By the time I reached it, I already diverted my attention to other things. Like I read something funny on the internet, or watched something funny and interesting on the television. And the trick really helps a lot. 

It's hard to stop our mind from overthinking especially if that's how it normally function. It's really a hard habit to break. But time will come that you'll realize how badly it affects you, and how unhealthy it is. At some point you will come to realize that overthinking doesn't help. Maybe sometimes it does, but most of the time it doesn't. 

We can't stop things from happening no matter how much we ovethink. We can't undo the past no matter how much we overthink. All we have is the present moment. And I think that's where we should focus our mind. It is important that we feed our mind only with positive and happy thoughts. A healthy and peaceful mind should be our priority.

au revoir. 😊


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