Sat With Ren: Baggage Claim
Many of us have something heavy that we are keeping inside and we have a hard time letting go of. Excess baggage, they say. It can be a traumatic experience, some hurtful words that someone said to us that we cannot get over with, a painful past, or anything that we aren't willing to share with anyone, yet. Perhaps because we don't want to hear any judgments or simply because once we do, we will surely cry a river.
Any excess baggage is heavy. But we find it hard to put them down, even though we have a hard time carrying them. We tend to hold on to them too tightly for a reason that they already became an integral part of us. Somehow we couldn't see ourselves being the same person had we removed these excess baggage. Even though they're too heavy to carry, for some odd reason we can still find some comfort and fulfilment carrying them.
But as the term suggests, 'excess' meaning whether we like it or not we have to eliminate it. Any excess would be too unbearable. It could create delay in our progress. Just like when we are checking in at the airport and any excess baggage weren't allowed. We would have already pass the counter, but because we have some excess we need to stop and remove them and we can't decide what to left behind. We want to carry them all no matter how heavy they might be.
Another example of dangerous side effect of excess is too much consumption of alcoholic drinks which can damage the liver. Also, too much smoking damages the lungs. It's necessary to know when you've had enough. It's important to set boundaries not only for yourself, but also to other people. Know when to put a stop— to anything or anyone—that isn't good for you.
If there is anything in your life right now that has been consuming you for a while already, now is the time to eliminate them. You have to remove any excess baggage that's been weighing you down. They aren't meant to be carried anymore. Most often than not they are the major source of your stress. They delay your progress. Instead of moving forward, when you think of all these excess baggage that you've been carrying it hinders the process. It hinders your growth. It's already been a long time that you've been carrying them, so now is probably time to leave them all behind. I know it's easier said than done, but the least that you can do is to decide. Decide that it's time to put them aside. Decide that it's time to move forward. Do not let these excess baggage of yours have the power over you. Do not let them control your life. Get rid of any excess baggage that you've been carrying. At the end of the day, it's for your own benefit. You cannot expect other people to remove it for you. It's your own doing. I know how tough it can be to remove something that's been a part of you. But if you don't do it, you will always be a prisoner of the baggage that you've been carrying. You will always feel like you're carrying the weight of the world. And I know you don't want that.
Anything that is beyond your capacity to carry isn't meant to be carried for so long. It is meant to set aside without the intent of picking it up and lugging it once again. You have to remove it for you to fully carry on with your life. It's time. You've already suffered enough. It's time to clear a space and make room for the things that truly deserve to be in your life, and excess baggage isn't one of them.
au revoir. 😊
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