Sat With Ren: When You Feel Like You're Not Good At Anything‎

When you feel like you're not good at anything, and a certain task is given to you, your first instinct would be to doubt yourself. You would ask yourself if you could do it even if it's just a simple one. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, you would always second guess your capabilities. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, you would just accept the negative things that others say about you even if they're not true. You would accept all the criticisms and whatnots. You would easily believe them when they say, "you can't." 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, you would always feel less of a person. Even when other people compliment you, you wouldn't believe them. You wouldn't believe them when they say good things about you. You wouldn't feel like you are good enough, and that you don't deserve any praises. At times you would even belittle yourself. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, you won't have the courage to try doing the things that you wanted to. You always think that you're going to fail even if you hadn't started, yet. You wouldn't dare to do the things that seem to be beyond your capabilities. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, and you try and fail to do something, you're initial reaction would be, "I knew it." 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, and a task is given to you, you would try all the best that you can to do it right. You somehow feel like you have to prove something not only to the person who handed you the task, but more importantly to yourself. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, and you did a certain thing successfully you would always feel like you need to celebrate it. You feel so proud of yourself. 

When you feel like you're not good at anything, and you decided to try something, it only means that it matter a lot to you that you're willing to try even if you knew there's a higher chance of failing at it than succeeding.

When you feel like you're not good at anything, you're probably an overthinker and a pessimist. 

People who feel like they aren't good at something are oftentimes underestimating themselves. We are all capable of doing anything, it's just that we're afraid to fail. Sometimes our fear of failure is greater than our desire to succeed. 

Each of us were gifted a talent. Some are good at drawing or painting, while some are good at cooking. Other people can sing very well, while others were given a talent in dancing. Some people were born to be a star, and others were just born. Just kidding. Any one of us can be who we want to be and do what we want to do. It doesn't matter how old or young we are, whether we're black or white, how privileged or how less fortunate we are, we are capable of doing anything. 

Every talent that was given to us is needed to be honed. People who are best at what they do all started as rookies. What made them great is that they invest time to learn their crafts. They don't settle with what they already know. They know that there is always a room for improvement. They are aware of the fact that things are evolving. And even if they think that they're already pro at something, they know that they could still do more and be more. So they keep on improving. That's how they master what they do.

We all have something to offer to the world. Perhaps we just haven't found yet that one thing that would make us feel dauntless to try. We don't have to always make ourselves feel less of a person just because other people do better than us. What makes other people good at something is because they have the courage to try. And most importantly, they have the willingness to take a risk. People succeed at something because they are willing to learn. They don't see other people as their opponents, but rather as their inspiration. 

There's no harm in trying. But when you decided to try something, make sure that that's what you really want to do. Not because you're being pushed by other people or because many people are doing it. ‎In the end, what truly matters is what brings joy to your heart. If you love what you do, it doesn't matter whether you're not getting enough praises from other people. ‎In the end, what truly matters is what brings joy to your heart. 

au revoir.😊


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