Sat With Ren: Roller Coaster
Life is like riding a roller coaster. Sometimes you're up and other times you're down. You have no control over where you would be. The best thing about a roller coaster is that it keeps on moving. When you're down it goes up and vice versa.
It's thrilling everytime we're up. We can see clearly the view. It seems like everything that we've been worrying about fades away in an instant. It's so relaxing everytime the cool breeze of the air hits our face. Even for a brief moment we forget all our troubles. Even for a while, life feels perfect, and that's what most of us crave. We wish that time would freeze and we remain forever on top. But like what I said, roller coasters keep on moving.
We go down, and of course we don't want that. We keep on waiting for our turn to be on top. There are times when we couldn't help but think that it will be like that forever, that we'll stay there forever. We couldn't wait till it's our turn to see what it's like to be up there. We envy those who have already experienced being on top. We wonder if our time would come that we also get to experience it. At times we lose patience. The good thing when we're down is we have have all the time to ponder. Since we aren't distracted with any view, our mind wanders elsewhere. We try to see things from a different perspective, and appreciate where we're at. Patience and perseverance are being built when we are down. We wait patiently for our turn to experience what it's like to be also on top. The silver lining of being down is we know that there is only one route to take, and the only way is to go up. We couldn't go down anymore since we're already there.
Riding a roller coaster can be so scary and exhausting. There are some events that we didn't see coming that would left us dumbstruck, like when it stopped moving in the middle of our ride. What's worse is when it stopped moving while we're in an upside down position. If that's the case we surely won't know what to do. We are left hanging and we can't get out of it no matter how much we want to. We would feel so helpless. A single wrong move could affect everyone, and it might even risk your life. So we stay put, and pray that our situation will soon change, of course for the better. We know that it would change, we won't be stuck there forever. Our rescue would come. We just need to have faith.
Like a roller coaster ride, life is full of unexpected happenings. There are happy, sad, disappointing, frustrating, stressful and exciting moments. One day life is awful and the next everything seems to be perfect. The thing is we don't get to pick what's going to happen next. All we can do is prepare ourselves for what might come. But let's face the reality, no matter how much we think we've already prepared, some events don't come as what we expected. Like being left hanging upside down while in a roller coaster.
Even so, whether we're on top or below, we cannot step out of a roller coaster once we're already on board. Because number one it's too dangerous and number two it's not even an option. All we can do is to hold on tight to our seats, hoping that we won't fall even with some mishaps along the journey. We don't get to decide when our ride will end. The best that we can do, whatever position we are in, while we're at it let's enjoy the ride. Because sometimes even if we still don't want for our ride to end, we have to get out of it.
A roller coaster ride is supposed to be fun. It is meant to be experienced with our eyes wide open. If our eyes were closed, we won't see how amazing our journey is. And never forget that with every twist and turn, we are allowed to scream at the top of our lungs.
au revoir.😊
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