Sat With Ren: PMS Is Not A Joke
Have you, girls, experienced being in a state where everything seems to bother you? Or you get emotional over everything, as in everything? Or you make everything a big deal even though it shouldn't? It's probably because you're PMS-ing or you're experiencing premenstrual syndrome.
PMS has many symptoms including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. It's easy if you are only able to experience food cravings. I mean, even if I'm not PMS-ing I always crave food. Plus, you have a reason to binge eat. So, what's not to like? The toughest part is the presence of mood swings, irritability and depression.
Not all those who are menstruating get to experience it. If you didn't know yourself better especially your body, you might say or do things that you're gonna regret when you're PMS-ing.
I think PMS hits the hardest especially to the overthinkers. One day you are totally fine, but the following day everything seems to affect you. Suddenly you become so overwhelmed with a lot of things. You thought you've already moved on from something, but then you feel tormented by it once again. Even the mundane things that don't bother you on normal days, suddenly become a big deal. You let your negative emotions get the best of you. You feel too deeply that no matter how many motivational quotes you read, somehow they don't serve their purpose. You feel like everything and everyone around you irritates you.
You feel like everything is sucking the life out of you. It feels like you're always on the verge of crying. And you know that once you do, it seems like you have your own Naiagara Falls coming from your eyes. You feel too emotional and sentimental with everything that is happening around you. There's this feeling that you don't want to wake up anymore cause you feel like your life has no direction and is a total waste. You feel highly affected with a lot of things even if it doesn't involve you. All you want to do is scream, cry and disappear. You want to move to a quiet place where you can just relax and have a peace of mind. You want to go to a place where your mind could stop from thinking. You don't want to care about anything anymore. You just want to be heartless. You don't want to feel every emotion that you're feeling. You want to deny them, but you really can't.
You try all your might to convince yourself that you are only feeling these things because you're about to have your period. But somehow, it doesn't make sense. You just can't fool yourself into thinking that way. You still let your emotions overwhelm you. You can't help but flood your brain with train of thoughts. If you are not strong enough to handle and calm yourself, you might have a moment of break down. The worst part is the people around you are absolutely clueless about what's really happening to you. They might think that you're only being too dramatic.
PMS is not a joke. We don't choose to feel the way we do when we're PMS-ing. As much as possible, we want to fight it. But even if we try hard enough, we just really can't. We don't choose to feel miserable during those days. I hope those who are fortunate enough not to experience it will have patience and understanding when it comes to dealing with girls who suffer from it.
And to all the girls who have to go through it every month, it's important to know how your body functions. It's necessary to know when you're having your period, so that once you start to feel emotional over everything, it's most probably your PMS talking. It's good to remind yourself of that. It could somehow lessen the negative emotions that you're feeling. If you need to repeat it to yourself a hundred times, do it. It's the only way to help you control your emotions.
au revoir.😊
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