Sat With Ren: A Typewriter
If you were a thing, what do you want to be and why?
If I could be a thing, I want to be a typewriter. I know it's kinda outdated, but yes I want to be it. You probably have an idea about how it works or what's its use. You know how struggle it is to finish a sentence, what more a paragraph. You have to pound the letters one by one and you need to be careful and think cautiously before pressing a single letter. One wrong letter and a word will be ruined. There is no backspace to delete a letter. If you weren't careful enough, you might misspell a word.
I want to be a typewriter because despite the struggle it takes to use it, people could make something useful out of it. There are other people back then who used it to profess their love to their significant others. Some authors used it to type their stories. Some students back then, used it to type their school projects. So, it only receives meaningful writings. It's difficult to type a single word, so you know that when a person decided to use a typewriter he would only create a purposeful writing. You wouldn't use it to create insignificant texts because you know the struggle of typing a word. A person won't decide to use it only for nothing. It's always for something important.
I want to be a typewriter because it only receives meaningful words. Words that the writer had carefully thought of. I want to be like that in real life. I only want to receive relevant messages. As much as possible I don't want to receive any unimportant information. I only want what's interesting and meaningful. Words that always make sense.
I wish that's how real life also works. That people would be considerate when it comes uttering a word. They should think first before saying something. They should be mindful of what they say. Words are very powerful. You can't take them back anymore once you've said them. That's why people should always be cautious with their words.
I can somehow compare myself to a typewriter. There comes a time that I'm hard to deal with. Only few people understand me. So, I know that when people decided to come to me it's for a good reason and I will be of good use.
au revoir. 😊
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