Sat With Ree: How Do You Deal With Unrequited Love
'Baby, we don't stand a chance, it's sad but it's true'
Perhaps some of you could totally relate to that lyrics from one of Sam Smith’s songs. Lucky are those who couldn’t. I mean… Can we switch lives even just for a day? ๐
Unrequited love is one of the saddest feelings that someone could ever feel. When you like someone, of course you wanted that person to like you back. Unfortunately, life doesn't play that way. Most of the time the person that you like doesn't like you. There are also some instances that you don't like the person who likes you. So, it's even.
When you like someone you would sometimes daydream about them. You would imagine your future with them. Sometimes you fantasize about the two of you dating. Then without you even realizing it, you think of them more often than you should. You want to avoid thinking about them, but your thoughts always navigate back to them.
When the thoughts of them start bothering you, or when you start to think how you could possibly remove them from your mind that's how you know that you're in great trouble. When you begin to wonder how to move on from the person that you have no history, then, boy, you're so busted.
But how do you really move on from someone that you have nothing to move on from? Or how do you get over from someone that you never dated or never had a relationship with?
For me it's a lot harder to move on from that kind of situation because there's really no reason why you should move on. You only like them from afar wishing that the universe will conspire and make a way for the two of you to be together. You have no history or whatsoever. Nobody hurt anyone. So, it's hard because you cannot get mad at them. I mean, for what reason? Most of your memories with them are all about them making you feel giddy every time you see them. Or perhaps you giving meaning to a sweet gesture they did to you 20 years ago, but for them it totally meant nothing. They aren't giving you any reason to hate them only more reasons for you to become fonder of them.
Some people find it easy to get over from someone. Whereas, there are some who have to go through process from getting over someone. It's as if they really dated the person. (Guilty.) ๐
If the person you like or love doesn’t like or love you back, you don’t have to force yourself to stop liking them. They can still serve as your inspiration. You don’t have to deny your feelings for them. Because eventually, what you feel for them is going to disappear. Time will come that when you see them you’ll be surprised that you aren’t gushing over them anymore. It’s easy to say that you’ve moved on from them when you don’t see them. The real test is when you unexpectedly bump into them. Would you still be able to say it to yourself that you’ve really moved on?
If you really like someone, you could be bold and say it straight to them. You know what they say, "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take." You just have to be prepared to get rejected, but there's no harm in trying. ๐ Who knows they also like you they're just waiting for you to make a move.
You can do anything you want to show the person you like that you like them. What you shouldn’t do is to expect anything from them. It’s a big NO. Actually, generally speaking you should avoid expecting from life. Expectation will only lead you to an absolute disappointment.
Once you feel that you are starting to expect from someone you know you don't stand a chance to begin with, then you're definitely in for a disaster. I'm telling you you're only gonna hurt yourself. So as early as possible, if you can't get them out of your mind try to at least get rid of all your expectations. But as much as you can, try not to entertain any thought about them. Because the more you think of them, the harder it gets to get them off of your mind.
When things really got serious about your moving on process, the best and simplest thing that you can do is to unfriend or unfollow them from all of your social media accounts. There's really no explanation needed cause I know you'll get why. ๐
There's nothing wrong with liking someone. What's wrong is when you start to feed your mind with the assumption that there is a possibility for the two of you to be together. You still have to know where you stand with them. It will surely save you from a future heartbreak.
The person that you like or love doesn't like you in return, but you shouldn't take it personally. Do not tie yourself to them. There are far better things to focus your attention to. You can still survive despite them not wanting you. For now the best thing that you can do is to love yourself a little extra. Be the best version of yourself not because you want other people to like you. But because of all the people you're willing to give your admiration to, you deserve it the most. In the end, the person who you're meant to be with will find their way to you. And when the time comes, you're going to realize why things didn't go the way you wanted them to. Or why it's best that the person you once liked didn't like you back.
Keep this in mind: If someone likes you, you won’t be wondering whether they like you or not. (Disclaimer: I’m only speaking from a woman’s perspective.)
au revoir. ๐
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