Sat With Ree: You Will Get What You Deserve

Perhaps once in your life, you experienced wanting something so bad. You are very much willing to do anything just to have that most coveted thing of yours. But what if, the thing that you want seems so hard to achieve?

It's absolutely frustrating when you want something bad enough, but it feels like everything around you is conspiring against you. At what point in your life can you say that, "Okay, I've done enough."? And then you stop trying.

When you want something bad enough, you are willing to give your all just to have it. You will push yourself further beyond your limits only to prove to yourself, or even to other people how badly you want it. We sometimes want to test our capabilities until how much we are willing to endure just to get it. 

We tend to want something because we know that we will be happy once we have it. We are willing to go the extra mile only to put up a good fight. That in the end, we wouldn't have any regrets. We wouldn't let the challenges and obstacles that we encounter weaken us. Instead, we will see them as a motivation. Even if we've already experienced countless failures, we would still be willing to try again. There's this great force within us that makes us want to push ourselves further and say, "Let's try again. Who knows maybe this time it will work."

There's this saying that goes like, "If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit." This could probably be true, but let's admit this is not always the case. Eventually, we will get tired of trying. We are going to lose that remaining tiny hope that we have. We would let frustrations and disappointment get the best of us. We would be left with the only option that we say we won't choose, which is to quit. We couldn't help but question ourselves, "Is it really worth fighting for?" 

Contrary to popular belief, quitting isn't for the weak. I think those people who know when to quit is much stronger. They are brave for having the will to let go of the things that aren't serving them any good. Sometimes it's a lot painful to hold on to things than to let them go. It's hard to let go especially if what you're holding on to is the only reason that's keeping you alive. On the other hand, it's a lot difficult to wait for things to go your way. So, you will be torn between giving up or holding on. 

It's okay to give up and stop trying when we know we've already gave our best effort. Once we know that we already done our part, it's probably time to stop trying. When we already failed over and over again, perhaps it's time to take a step back and question ourselves. Think if the things that you want is truly worth sacrificing the things that you already have.

If you come to the point that you eventually get tired, it's probably time to stop trying. I am not only talking about physical tiredness, but most especially emotional and mental tiredness. You can simply take a rest or a nap when you get exhausted. But if it already involves your mental and emotional health, it's hard to take a rest. You cannot simply take a nap or sit in one corner and do nothing. There are some kinds of exhaustion that no amount of rest could wipe off. 

The things that you want to fight for is important, but it's a lot important to prioritize your own sanity. When you are already sacrificing your own mental health or investing too much of your emotional health, it's probably time to take a break. It's time to let go of the things that you want and stop forcing them to go your way. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to face the truth. You can't always have the things that you want the most. 

Do not wait until the moment that you're already drained physically, mentally and emotionally. Stop sabotaging yourself. Think about what will happen to you once you can't function anymore. If you think that what you're fighting for is the only thing that will make you happy, think again. Look around you. There are probably things that you tend to overlook that would also make you happy. Sometimes they are the little things in life that we oftentimes take for granted that we have no idea serve a vital part in our life.

In times of despair, we are given the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. We have the chance to look at other things and remove our focus on that certain thing that only makes us feel inadequate. We somehow have the opportunity to slow down and breathe. We are given time to appreciate other things that we already forget because our attention is on other things. 

Let go of the things that constantly drain you to make room for the things that are truly meant for you. Do not sacrifice your well-being. Not to sound cliché, but know that in the end what's meant for you will always find its way to you. Believe that there are other things out there that are truly meant to be yours. You don't have to force them. They will flow effortlessly towards you. Trust in the timing of your life, but most especially you have to have faith that life will reward you with far better things than what you think you want. Keep in mind that some of the best things happen unexpectedly. 

Sometimes no matter how much we try, there are really things that aren't meant to be ours. It's better to simply let things go. No need to force anything. 

The greatest lesson I've learned in the past three decades of my existence was that no matter how much we want something or how many times we pray about it, if it isn't meant for us it will never be ours. And the best thing I've learned was that it's okay. Because sometimes what we think we want, isn't what's best for us. Also, there comes a time that we have to learn to wait in God's perfect time. That when He finally give us the thing that we've been praying for, we will appreciate it even more and we won't take it for granted. You know what they say, "Great things take time." 

Believe, have faith and do not drain yourself from the things that don't deserve to take a space in your life. In the end, you will get what you truly deserve. 😀

ciao. 😊


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