Sat With Ree: You Will Get What You Deserve
Perhaps once in your life, you experienced wanting something so bad. You are very much willing to do anything just to have that most coveted thing of yours. But what if, the thing that you want seems so hard to achieve? It's absolutely frustrating when you want something bad enough, but it feels like everything around you is conspiring against you. At what point in your life can you say that, "Okay, I've done enough."? And then you stop trying. When you want something bad enough, you are willing to give your all just to have it. You will push yourself further beyond your limits only to prove to yourself, or even to other people how badly you want it. We sometimes want to test our capabilities until how much we are willing to endure just to get it. We tend to want something because we know that we will be happy once we have it. We are willing to go the extra mile only to put up a good fight. That in the end, we wouldn't have any regrets. We wouldn't let the ch...