Sat With Ree: Learn To Love Yourself

It's hard to convince our self of our worth when the people around us don't see it. Sometimes we base our self-worth from how people treat us. We tend to question our self and our capabilities. The tough part is when we come to a conclusion that perhaps they're right. We are probably worthless, useless and unlovable. When we think that people don't love us, we presume that we lack something. We devalue our self and believe in their impression of us. 

When people seem to be taking us for granted, it's already time for us to take a step back. We have to breathe and remind our self that it's okay. In the end, what matters is that we know that we are doing our part. We know that we are exerting our best efforts for them, it's just that they choose to overlook it. 

We can't expect other people to value us if we don't value ourselves. We don't find our self-worth from other people. We create it. We have to acknowledge what we are capable of, so that we won't believe when people see us as inadequate. We won't take it personally when people belittle us. 

Perhaps people aren't really treating us badly. At times we expect a lot from others, and they can't manage to meet our expectation. In the same way that they expect more from us. 

We don't get to decide how other people would treat us. Others find us hard to love, whereas others love us in spite of our shortcomings. Instead of waiting for other people to love us, let us be the one to give it to ourselves. Our love language is way different from other people. We can't expect others to love us in our own love language. People love us in their own love language.

Other people's inability to see our worth doesn't speak of our character, it speaks of theirs. It's not their responsibility to make us feel valued. In the same way, we shouldn't value others more than we value our self. We have to put limitations to what we are willing to give to others. It's best when we love and give with all our hearts and our being, but it's not selfish if we still leave something for ourselves.

What if instead of waiting for others to see our worth, why don't we do it for ourselves, instead? It is time for us to stop hating ourselves.  It's time to start loving our self the way we want to be loved. It's our duty to make our self worthy of the love that we are willing to share with others. We have to learn how to love and prioritize ourselves. We have to learn how to be our own best friend, soulmate, lover, and anything but our self's worst enemy.

We don't have to try and please other people for us to say that we are worthy of their love and attention. We have to have the confidence that we are important despite other people not seeing it. It's time to appreciate our self. We are worthy. We are loved. We are deserving of good things.

au revoir. 😊


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