Sat With Ree: Of All The Things
How do you get over from losing something that you thought would last forever?
It's definitely hard to recover from something that you've lost especially if that something is all you've ever dreamed of. It's typical of us to sit in one corner and be miserable for a while when something that we want just slipped from our grasp in a flash. It's as if when we mope the thing that we lost will work it's way towards us again. Flash news: life doesn't work that way. We can be miserable all we want until when we want, but the thing that we lost won't come back to us anymore. No matter how much effort we put into it or how hard we work if it's really not meant for us we can't do anything, but to accept the fact that they're already gone.
John Green once said that, "The world is not a wish-granting factory." If it was, the word "appreciate" wouldn't even be found in the dictionary. Sometimes what we lost wasn't really meant for us in the first place. They just pass by in our life to teach us that we should appreciate what we have while we have them. It works both in things and in people.
The things that already slipped from our grasp weren't meant to be chased. They were meant to be admired from afar while reflecting that once in our life those things were within our reach and we know what it felt like to have them. Instead of running after them, why not just focus our attention to what's still left in us. Maybe we were bound to acknowledge what we already have and make the most out it. We have to recognize that what's right in front of us is really all we need, and we always have a tendency to overlook them. We take them for granted because we think that they will last forever, but you know what they say, "The only constant thing in this world is change."
Sometimes it will take a great loss in order for us to gain something better, something that was really intended for us. We don't have to force it, it will just come to us naturally. The things that we lost weren't meant to destroy us. They were purposefully removed from our life, so that we can gain clarity from the things that seem to cloud us. We should never really grief over the loss of something. All we can do is to value them while we have them, so that in the end we won't regret anything. We did our best to keep them, but some things must really come to an end. The trick is to enjoy what we have while we have them.
It wasn't truly a loss if we gained something out of it. If we always look back on the things that we lost, we won't be able to make room for what's supposed to come next. We can't always see the reason/s behind a loss. All we know is that in everything that we lost there is always something better that will come. We just have to be patient.
Of all the things that we think we've lost, can we consider something as a loss if we really never had the chance to have it in the first place?
au revoir😊
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