Sat With Ree: Faith

Do you believe in the saying that "faith can move mountains?" If so, then why?

Faith is one of the things, or probably the only thing that keeps us afloat in this time of pandemic—the time of uncertainty. We were all lost and don't know how to approach this "new normal" when it started. Some lost their jobs while others lost their loved ones. Some of us thought that this pandemic will only last for a couple of months then it will be over, but here we are still unsure on when this pandemic will be over.

Difficult situation like this are meant to teach us something. One of them is to strengthen our faith in God. The first thing that we do when things don't work in our favor or some unfortunate event happen in our life is that we question God. We question Him why it had to happen. Questioning Him is definitely the most impolite way to approach Him. But through questioning Him, we also know that He is the one responsible for everything that is happening around us. We know who is in control. We know that He has the power to turn any situation differently. If we can question Him why something bad had to happen, why not just trust in Him that He will help us get through it. He doesn't put us in a difficult situation just to abandon us. 

The best thing that we can do when we are faced with  difficulty is to pray. He may not change our situation right away or the end result may not be what we hoped or prayed for, but He will surely give us the strength to endure whatever trial or challenge that we are currently in. His answer to our prayer is always what is best for us. There are times when we don't see it that way, but eventually we're going to realize why something had to happen the way it did. 

God always has a solution for our every problem, but sometimes we tend to rely on ourselves rather than in Him. There also comes a time when we are most likely to depend on other people hoping that they can help us in whatever it is that we are going through because we always want an instant solution to our every problem. It is not wrong to ask for help, but we should also remember that we have to seek for His help first before confiding to anyone. Our belief in God should always be stronger than our belief in what other people can do. 

A lot of times we tend to worry too much about the things that is happening in our life even those that are out of our control. Sometimes we feel so restless because we want to control and take over everything even though we know that we can't. Instead of worrying, why not just leave everything in God's hands. He can do immeasurable things that are beyond our imagination. He already created the greatest miracles, so we don't have to question His capabilities. And who do we think we are to question Him, anyway?

There are also times when we are not willing to try something new or to take a risk simply because we don't know if it will be worth our try and at the same time we are afraid. But we have to have faith in Him and trust that things will work out, and that He will give us the courage to try the things that we are afraid to do.

God has always a reason for everything that is happening in our life, whether it's good or bad. He has purpose for allowing things to happen. We may not understand it right away, but know that it is always for the best. Let us leave everything in His hands. He is always there to guide us in every circumstance that we face. He doesn't play favouritism. He loves each one of us despite our shortcomings. No struggle is too small or too big for Him. He is always there whenever we need Him. He is concern with our life. Even if He knows what we need or that we need Him, we still have to ask for His mercy and help. But when we ask Him, we should also believe. We have to believe in His mighty power.

We have to believe that He is able to make the impossible possible. He can turn any negative situation into a positive. The future is uncertain. We only have to have faith that God will provide everything that we need. We can get through anything if we have a strong belief that He will always make a way. He doesn't ask much from us, He only wants us to believe in Him. We can't be His children if we don't believe in Him. Let us not live in fear, only in faith. Having faith means that we will go through whatever it is that we are going through. Through Him, we have the confidence that we are strong and resilient enough to face every battle. If we have faith in Him we won't have time to worry. We can have peace knowing that He is the one who is in control. 

If you would ask me the same question, whether I believe that "faith can move mountains" or not. My answer is an absolute yes because miracles do happen if we only believe in Him more than we believe in ourselves. 



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