Last Saturday, October 30 together with my mother and other siblings, we got the chance to register for our National ID.
I tried registering online a couple of times already, but everytime I was about to set the schedule it always says that there are no slots available. In the news they said that their priority is registration through LGUs, so we ask for a form to fill up from the barangay hall. After filling up the form, we submit it again at the barangay hall. It only took us 2 days then we already have a schedule.
We have 3 registration sites here in Batangas City. One is at SM, then the other one is at the Office of the City Veterinary and Agricultural Services, and the newest one where we had our National ID regitered is located at Waltermart, Batangas.
We went there at almost 3:00 in the afternoon. When we got there the line wasn't that long. It only took us less than two hours to register.

You need a valid ID in the registration. Aside from of course your picture and your name in it, it should also has your address, birthday and either your signature or your thumb mark for it to be valid. Make sure that it is not yet expired, or about to expire, like if you're going to use your passport and is about to expire next month they won't accept it. If you don't have any valid ID, they accept PSA Birth Certificate.
In the registration process, you're just going to confirm those information that you've written in the form from the barangay. They are just basic info including your name, address, birthday and your place of birth. Of course, you're going to be photographed, also your fingerprints and your eyes are going to be scanned. If you are planning to wear contact lenses just to look beautiful, you better not because they are not allowed. And if you are also thinking of wearing your favorite necklace, or your new pair of earrings, sorry, but they'll only ask you to remove them.
After confirming all the needed information and after you had your photo taken, they will give you your Philsys Transaction Slip. It has your name, the place where you register, your transaction number and a QR Code that you can't share publicly. You have to keep it and make sure to remember where you put it because you're going to present it upon the delivery of your ID. I just don't know how long it will take before they deliver the ID.
Registering for your National ID is absolutely free, so you might want to register now while you still have the chance. Who knows in the near future you're going to pay for it. Having at least one valid ID is totally necessary. You might not need it now, but surely you're gonna need it in the future that is why it's better to be prepared.
Ciao. 😊
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