This Is 30

So, I guess this is it. It's official, I'm 30 years old already. Is this the time where I already need to invest in fancy china wares? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

It feels like it was just yesterday when my mother forced me to wear the dress that I wore during my baptism. It was was a school day, and it was my 7th birthday. I was baptized a day before my 7th birthday. So, the dress hasn't been laundered, yet, but only the two of us know. Now you know it also, so that makes us 3. I am not a fan of wearing a dress ever since, hence the forcing. But because I was under her spell, I wore that fuchsia pink dress together with a pair of pearly white sandals and a pair of lacey, white stockings. 

That's the thing about this life, sometimes you have to set aside what you really want to do and do what other people tells you. Not because you can't decide on your own, but because you just want to make them happy. But it doesn't have to be like that always, of course, we have a free will to do whatever makes us happy. And sometimes what keeps us happy is seeing the people that we love happy. 

The past years have already taught me a lot of things, but I know that I still have a lot to learn. Two of the best lessons I learned are 1. be patient and 2. not to rush anything. Truly, great things take a lot of time. But the most important lesson I learned is to always put God all my trust. 

A lot of people at my age, or even those who were younger than me have already accomplished a lot of things, and they already fulfilled some of their dreams. But the thing is, there is no point in comparing. As long as I am not comparing myself to anyone, what I have will always be more than enough and I will lack nothing. That's I guess is one of the (not so) secrets on how to achieve a contented life. 

Others may arrive at their destination earlier than us, but always know that life is not a race. We all have our own designated lane to follow and each one of us has our own different route to take. There is no need to rush, because we will all eventually arrive at our own destination. No matter how long the traffic line is, we have to endure it and wait patiently. 

There are no short cuts in life. Personally, I don't want to take any short cuts. The long way is always better, because you have the chance to just enjoy the ride, especially when a great music is currently playing while your windows are down with a gentle touch of a cool breeze on your face. 

It's more about the journey, not the destination. We learn a lot from every journey that we take. That's where we face a lot of obstacles and challenges that are meant to strengthen us and make us the person that God intended us to be. 

My journey isn't over, yet. The road wasn't smooth and sometimes I encounter a few bumps and there are even potholes here and there. But they were put there for me to 1. be mindful of the route that I'm about to take 2. to teach me how to become a skillful driver. Looking at the rear view mirror gives me a glimpse of how far I've already travelled, and it inspires me to go even further. There are times when the wind shield gets blurry and needs to be wiped for me to see the view clearly once again. With every cul-de-sac that I might come across, I know that there's always an option to take a reverse. It is also important to remember to unload any excess baggage, so that it would be a lot easier to maneuver. With every journey that we take, know that we can always stop to refuel so that our tank won't get empty. 

I don't have any itinerary on where I'm heading. I already learned to embrace the life of spontaneity. I am not scared to get lost anymore, because I already let God take over the steering wheel. I let Him drive for me, because I know that wherever He's taking me is where I'm supposed to be. I know that He will be with me until the end of the road. 

With God by my side, I know that I can endure anything.

To my 20's, thank you for everything. You made me laugh, you made me cry, you disappointed me a few—maybe many— times, but I appreciate all of those. Of all the things that you taught me, becoming a better person than who I used to be is my most favorite. I am not yet myself's best version, but you made me realize who I don't want to be like. 
"If it wasn't for you I will never be who I am."
You gave me so much to remember. I still have a long way to go (hopefully), but thank you for preparing me for the battles that I might face in the years to come. Thank you for giving me the weapons that I can use in the future. Although the future is still blurry now, I am not afraid anymore, because I know that God already prepared everything for me. 

Thank you, Lord, for everything. I owe it all to You. ๐Ÿ™Œ
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.


Psalms 139:16 NIV




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