Sat With Ree: I'll Be There For You

As of March 2020, approximately there are 7, 800, 000, 000 people in the world. So, if you are in need of new friends, there are a lot to choose from. Especially now with the presence of social media, even those who are in other continents can be your friend. Though it is so easy to find a new friend nowadays, the hard part is to find a real one. Not someone who posts a photo of you together with a lengthy and cheesy caption during your birthday because obviously she looks good on that photo, or worst case scenario she only wants to gain more "like" or "heart" reacts. But in reality, you haven't talked in ages. Who you want to be friends with is someone who will not comment when you post a sad face emoji, but instead will send you a private message asking why or what happened. The question is how do you keep this kind of friend? How do you maintain your bond with your friends even when you don't get to see them often? 1. Stay in touch. Keep your communicat...