Carrying the Blame That Was Never Yours

Have you ever found yourself on the receiving end of someone's anger, even when you’ve done nothing wrong? Worse still, the actual culprit walks away unscathed while you're left reeling from the emotional fallout. It's a painful reality—being someone's emotional punching bag. This often stems from a complicated web of emotions. The person lashing out might feel too intimidated, too invested, or too conflicted to confront the one who truly wronged them. Instead, they channel their frustration toward someone they perceive as "safe"—you. Sometimes, people avoid confronting the person responsible because it feels too daunting. Whether it’s a boss, a close friend, or a partner, the fear of damaging that relationship outweighs their need for justice. Instead, the easier target—often you—bears the brunt. Other times, familiarity plays a role. The closer you are to someone, the more likely they may take you for granted. They assume your love, support, or loyalty...