Laughter is the Best Medicine
Have you ever been in a challenging situation and then remembered or saw something funny? So you totally forgot your current situation. You just began to laugh at the thing you remembered or saw funny. For a while, you forgot your problem. You took a step back for a while, and when you got back, you were never as worried as when you first approached the problem. Perhaps you didn't find a solution to your problem, but you took it lighter, and you can laugh at it and realized that you're worrying so much. Sometimes, when we are in unfortunate circumstances, we tend to focus too much of our attention on them. That is why we think that the problem is getting worse and worse. We couldn't find any solutions. It would seem like it's already a lost case. We tend to lose our minds when solving that problem. But more often than not, all we really need is a good laugh, and everything else disappears. Of course, it's totally inappropriate to laugh, especially in a serious situa...