Just How Fast The Night Changes
Recently, I just realized that I'm not getting any younger. I realized it while I was watching an online mass. The priest said that we are all going to die. It's just a matter of time. The life span of a person in average is 70 years old. And I just turned 32. So if God permits that I'll reach the age of 70, I only have 38 years left. But I doubt I'll reach that age. Cause my lifestyle isn't ideal to reach that kind of age. I sleep late. I wake up late. I don't eat vegetables. I don't exercise. Anyway, suddenly I asked myself why I waste so much time of my 20's worrying about my future. And my future is already happening. I am living in the present, but 5 years ago this was the future that I was worrying about. I was always in a rush to figure things out without realizing that life is passing. It occurred to me how I wasted my time being disappointed with a lot of things. I made a mistake of not living in the present. I spent my time waiting. With what?...