My Most Embarrassing Moment

Every moment in my life was embarrassing. LOL. I really had numerous bloopers in my life and they were all totally embarrassing. You know the feeling when you just want to disappear like a bubble? Of all the embarrassing moments that happened in my life, this one that I'm going to share here was totally the worst one. This happened when I was still in high school— fourth year high school. That moment when I already want to drop out. Everytime that I went to school was a torture. I had a professor who belongs to the "third sex" as to what he refers himself. He was also my teacher when I was in second year but he was so serious that time, that everytime he gets into our classroom none of us dare to talk. That's how terror he was. But when he became my teacher in fourth year something has changed. Yes, he was still the terror type but that time he already throws some jokes and makes fun of his students. And I was one of the "victims." One time, we were taking...