
Father's Day

Unlike my mother, who I have been living with for almost my whole life, me and my father didn't have the same longevity living together. Not because of anything, but because my father only wanted to give us the most comfortable life that he could possibly give. My father was a seafarer. Most of his life was spent on the boat. He goes home more or less every 2 years. With a vacation of not more than 3 months. The way of communicating back then wasn't as high-tech as now. I remember that he would send my mother snail mail that sometimes had his voice tape. And in return, my mother would send him letters and sometimes greeting cards for his birthday and for Christmas. Of course, they would read them late, or in advance, because of the time it would take before receiving the mail. I also remember how my mother would urge me to write letters to him to let him know about my grades in school. Sometimes my mother would send him my picture, and she would tell me to write a dedication at

Pride Month

Happy Pride Month to all the members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I am glad that you have the courage to be what you want to be. In this world full of judgement, coming out is truly an act of bravery. It just goes to show that you're not afraid to be judged by other people. Not everyone has the same fearlessness as yours. But let's be honest, not all members of the LGBTQIA+ community have come out already. Some are still trying to figure things out. While some are still confused about their real sexual preference, on the other hand, there are those who are afraid to come out. Probably because they have a reputation, they don't wait to taint it. They think that once they come out, people will judge them and won't respect them anymore. And, I guess, that's one of the worst places to be. Being confused and afraid about what other people might say or think. Because, truthfully, not all members of the LGBTQIA+ community are given proper respect. Others see them as weak, so


If I could reside in another country, I would choose to live in Scotland. I haven't been there, but I hope one day I can go there to personally witness its beauty. To be honest, I don't have much idea about the country. I don't know about their culture, their cuisine, or even the language that they speak. I just saw it on social media, and I am mesmerized by it. Every time I see pictures of it, I want to immediately book a flight and go there. I find the place visually appealing. All of a sudden, I want to pack my bags and live there every time I see videos of it. Unlike other countries, I find Scotland slow-paced. Like, you wouldn't feel the need to rush. You can simply take your time in the morning while going to work. And after work, you can enjoy the night peacefully. The tranquility of the place is incomparable. The way I see it, it seems that it has a small population. The tourists who go there are few, or at least that's what I think. I just love that it'

Ridin' Solo

Being alone doesn't mean being lonely. Someone who eats in a restaurant all by herself doesn't mean that they are lonely. Someone who chooses to travel alone doesn't mean that she is sad. Someone who chooses to watch a movie in the theater by himself isn't lonely.  There are probably some people who choose to travel alone because they want to get away from a painful situation. They want to breathe some fresh air. But not all people choose to do that for the same reason. There are people who would rather go alone than wait for other people to join them. Simply because they enjoy doing things alone. They don't need someone to be with them because they are perfectly okay by themselves. Watching someone eat alone in a restaurant might give others a feeling of sadness, but that's not how it truly is. There are some who choose to eat alone because it's their way of destressing. But not all who eat in a restaurant alone have the same reason. Some people prefer to g

If Life Is Short

If life is short, then why don't we dance like no one is watching? If life is short, then why don't we sing like no one's listening? If life is so short, then why do people wait for Friday to have fun? If life is short, then why do people still make plans instead of opting for spontaneity? If life is short, then why do we wait until we're ready to do something? If life is short, then why do we wait for our friends to be available instead of just going solo? If life is short, then why don't we just eat what we want without counting the calories? If life is short, then why do people choose anger over forgiveness or bitterness? If life is short, then why do people want to prove that they are right? If life is short, then why do people choose to hate instead of love? If life is short, then why do some people choose to argue and fight? If life is short, then why don't we just choose to be kind? If life is short, then why don't we just do the things that we love?

Mother's Day

Unlike my father, I had a lot of memories with my mother. I practically lived my whole life with her. In her house. So, we've seen each other's good and bad days. I can say I've witnessed most of her highs and lows. But I'll tell you, if you're going to ask her about me, she'll probably tell you that I am the kid who doesn't care about her, or basically about anything. Well, that's what I'll always be in her eyes. Someone who doesn't give a damn. ๐Ÿ˜Š Because I have my own world. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Anyway, as I've said, we have a lot of memories together. But there's this one unforgettable moment I had with her. This happened back when I was in high school. If I remember it right, it was during my freshman year. When I was still studying, I never needed an alarm clock. My mother served as my alarm clock from elementary to college. She would always wake me up every morning. My class starts at 7:00 a.m., but she wakes me up at 5:00 a.m. To think that the sch

Grade Isn't Everything

During one of the job interviews that I attended, an interviewer asked me about the biggest mistake I made when I was in college. The question shocked me because I never expected it. I mean, it's not one of the questions I was expecting. It's far from the "How can you see yourself 5 years from now?" type of question. But, of course, I had to answer it. I told her that not enjoying my college days fully was the biggest mistake I made back in college. It was what popped into my mind in that moment. I focused more on my academics and didn't enjoy my time, I added.  It was just recently that I read on social media some news about a graduate student who said almost the same thing during his speech at their graduation. If my memory serves me right, he's a Magna Cum Laude. And if I'm going to give any advice to students, I will tell them to take it easy and not to put too much pressure on themselves. Because getting high grades in school won't guarantee you a